19 September 2010
e-Sword Validation Checker
This tool will do the following:
* Walk through the Description Table, ensuring that the data there is correct:
** Boolean values reflect what e-Sword expects to see for a boolean value;
** Version number correctly reflects the e-Sword Resource Format Specification Version number;
** The resource abbreviation does not conflict with existing abbreviations for that resource type;
** The comments field contains content that is usable, and functional;
** The description field contains content that accurately represents the resource;
(I'm not sure how the latter two will be done, but that is a slightly different issue.)
* Walk through the Copyright Table, ensuring that that data is filled out;
* Walk through the Metadata Table, ensuring that that data is filled out;
For all resources:
* Walk through each displayable table, ensuring that the presentation format is consistent with the resource type and how the table is displayed;
For Bible resources:
* Walk through the Bible table, checking for:
** Missing text;
** Added text;
** Red Lettering in the appropriate places;
** Strong's Number is "correct". The number is found in that verse, even if it is used with an incorrect word;
* Anagignoskomena content is demarcated in blue;
"Missing text" and "added text" to be determined by comparing the number of characters in the verse, with that found in the KJVA, Greek LXX&TR, Hebrew MT, Latin Vulgate, and the average number of characters found in those four versions.
For Commentary resources:
* Walk through the Books table, ensuring that every listed book has content attached to it;
** Remove content along the lines of "name of book";
* Walk through the Chapters table, ensuring that every listed chapter has content attached to it;
** remove content along the lines of "name of chapter";
* Walk through the Verses table, ensuring that every listed verse has content attached to it;
** Remove content along the lines of "book, chapter, and verse number";
* In all three tables check that links to other sources are correctly formed;
For Dictionary resources:
* Walk through the Dictionary table checking:
** Every Topic has a Definition;
** Topics are ordered alphabetically;
** Check that links to other sources are correctly formed;
** If Topics are a numbering scheme such as Strongs, numbers outside of that numbering scheme are not listed;
For other resource:
* Walk through the tables, verifying that there is content that is consistent with the expected content;
30 August 2010
e-Sword Topical File Organizer
This tool is currently in pre-alpha.
Current points of failure:
* New resources may not be correctly archived, prior to searching for the appropriate resources;
* New resources may not be correctly backed up, prior to searching for the appropriate resources;
* The resource is not correctly copied to the location that e-Sword expects to find it in;
* If a resource does not contain the meta-data table, it will be omitted from the search;
* Incomplete data in the meta-data table will result in relevant resources been omitted, simply because they were completely, and correctly labeled;
- Reliably select and move topical files to the expected location;
- Add support for other e-Sword resource types;
- Automatically add the copyright table to resources it encounters that do not include it;
- Automatically add the meta-data table to resources it encounters that do not include it;
- Automatically fill in as much of the meta-data table as it can, without asking the user;
- Nudge the user to complete an incomplete meta-data table, as it encounters them;
- Nudge the user to complete an incomplete copyright table, as it encounters them;
07 March 2010
e-Sword Utility Programs
* Add MetaData Table
* Analizador Recursos e-Sword
* ASP Topical File Publisher
* Bible Compare Tool
* BeST 1.x
* BeST 2.x
* Bible Module Creator
* BibleStudy 2006
* BibleStudy 2009
* Biblos
* Bible Import Tool
* Commentary Creator
* Commentary Editor
* Convertor
* Devotional Creator
* Editor Recursos e-Sword
* e-Sword 9.0 Convertor
* e-Sword Conversion Tool
* e-Sword Creation Toolkit
* e-Sword Dumper
* e-Sword Español
* e-Sword FIN
* e-Sword Graphical Editor
* e-Sword Hot Key
* e-Sword Indexer
* e-Sword Installation Script
* e-sword Installer
* e-Sword Macros
* e-Sword Portable Installer
* e-Sword Resource Installer
* e-Sword Screen Saver
* e-Sword Simple Backup Tool
* e-Sword Smart Starter Basic Edition
* e-Sword Smart Starter Premium Edition
* e-Sword Tooltip Tool
* e-Sword Virtual Store Explorer
* Fin
* FixStrong's
* Font Smoothing for e-Sword
* Mac4e-Sword
* Map File Creator (fb)
* MFC Creator
* ModList
* Module Creator Program
* Module Editor
* Module Utility Program
* Pocket e-Sword Module Installer
* Portable e-Sword
* Recursor
* Resourcer 2.x
* Resources 3.0.4
* ReVet
* RTF Replace
* Run
* SMM's File Utils
* STEP Decompressor
* Study Note Export Tool
* Tag Scanner
* Text2DAO
* The Batch Files (Start specific components of e-Sword)
* The Batch Files (archive e-Sword, create a list of e-Sword resources)
* The Batch Files (mass install scripts)
* TheWORDpad Editor 1.x
* TheWORDpad Editor 2.x
* Topical File Editor
* Tooltip Generator
* Unicode2RTF
* Unicode2RTF MDB
* UTF-8 to Unicode
* Utmost Import Tool
* Zefania Text Convertor
* Zefania-BPeST
* Zefania2e-Sword
Generic database utilities
* SQLite Browser
* MDB Tools
* MDBPlus
* MDB Browser Editor
* DB Explorer
* Microsoft Access;
* OpenOffice.org
01 August 2009
Obsolete Documentation
* TUTORIAL Cómo importar una Biblia a e-Sword usando Biblos, 1.
* ขั้นตอน การทําขอมูลพระคริสตธรรมคัมภีรสาหรับโปรแกรม e-Sword ํ เตรียมขอมูลพระคัมภีรบน MS-Word และ MS-Excel
* ขั้นตอน การทําขอมูลพระคริสตธรรมคัมภีรสาหรับโปรแกรม e-Sword ํ เตรียมขอมูลพระคัมภีรบน MS-Word และ MS-Excel
The first document, in Spanish, is about using Biblos. This tool has not been publicly distributed in at least a year, if not longer.
The last two documents, in Thai, are about BeST 1.x. This version of BeST hasn't been available for at least a year, and probably close to two years.
This is part of the process of putting all known e-Sword and Pocket e-Sword documentation, that can be legally redistributed, on e-Sword-users.
23 July 2009
e-Sword Resource Creation Tools
How to create a resource depends upon:
What type of resource it is;
Which program it is for ( e Sword 9.x, e Sword 8.x, Pocket e Sword);
Which operating system you are using. (Windows, Linux, something else);
Going in reverse order:
Other Operating System (BSD, Mac OS X, OpenSolaris, etc)
Pocket e Sword
No known tools;
e Sword 8.x
Importing into e Sword 8.x
No known tools;
Editing existing e Sword 8.x Resources:
No known tools;
Text2DAO under WINE, or similar Windows Emulation Program might work;
e Sword 9.x
Importing into e Sword 9.x:
No known tools;
Editing existing e Sword 9.x Resources:
Firefox with SQLite Manager;
SQLite Dabase Browser;
Both of these programs are generic database editors. They require e Sword 9.x database templates if one wishes to use them to create new e Sword resources.
Pocket e Sword
No known tools;
e Sword 8.x
Importing into e Sword 8.x;
Text2DAO under WINE, or similar Windows Emulation Program might work;
Editing existing e Sword 8.x Resources:
No known tools;
Text2DAO under WINE, or similar Windows Emulation Program;
e Sword 9.x
Importing into e Sword 9.x:
No known tools;
Editing existing e Sword 9.x Resources:
Firefox with SQLite Manager;
SQLite Dabase Browser;
Both of these programs are generic database editors. They require e Sword 9.x database templates if one wishes to use them to create new e Sword resources.
Pocket e Sword
BeST Premium Edition is the only currently available tool that creates resources for Pocket e Sword.
e Sword 9.x
Importing into e Sword 9.x:
BeST Standard Edition;
BeST Premium Edition;
These are the only currently available tools
designed specifically for creating e Sword 9.x resources;
Editing existing e Sword 9.x Resources:
Firefox with SQLite Manager;
SQLite Dabase Browser;
Both of these programs are generic database editors. They require e Sword 9.x database templates if one wishes to use them to create new e Sword resources.
e Sword 8.x
Importing into e Sword 8.x:
BeST Standard Edition;
BeST Premium Edition;
These are the only currently available tools designed specifically for creating e Sword 8.x resources;
Editing existing e Sword 8.x Resources:
This tool can generate its own e Sword 7.x database template for some resource types. As a general rule using e Sword 8.x database templates is recommended;
TheWordPad Editor 2.0;
This tool requires e Sword 8.x database templates, if one wishes to use it to create new e Sword resources;
These two tools are the only currently available tools specifically designed for e Sword resource editing, that can edit e Sword 8.x resources;
Microsoft Access 97;
Microsoft Access 2000;
These two versions of Microsoft Access require e Sword 8.x database templates, if one wishes to use them to create new e Sword resources;
e Sword 7.x
Importing into e Sword:
This are the only currently available tools designed specifically for creating e Sword 7.x resources;
Editing existing e Sword 7.x Resources:
This tool can generate its own e Sword 7.x database template for some resource types. As a general rule using e Sword 7.x database templates is recommended;
TheWordPad Editor 2.0;
This tool requires e Sword 7.x database templates, if one wishes to use it to create new e Sword resources;
Module Utility for e Sword;
Module Editor 2.0.2;
These two tools generate their own e Sword templates;
These four tools are the only currently available tools specifically designed for e Sword resource editing, that can edit e Sword 7.x resources;
Microsoft Access 97;
Microsoft Access 2000;
These tools require e Sword database templates, if one wishes to use them to create new e Sword resources;
Templates for e Sword 8.x have not been publicly distributed;
Templates for e Sword 9.x have not been publicly distributed;
Templates for e Sword 7.x were publicly distributed;
Templates for Pocket e Sword have not been publicly distributed;
Open File Format
This means that Rick officially released the specifications for this resource. Utility programs that can edit, or create this resource type are available;
Closed File Format
This means that Rick did not release the specifications for this resource. As a general rule of thumb, utility programs that can edit, or create this resource type are not available;
Resource Type
ANL: Verse Analysis
Closed file format
BBL: Bible
Open File Format
BRP: Bible Reading Plan
Closed file format
CMT: Commentary
Open file format
DCT: Dictionary
Open file format
DEV: Devotional
Open file format
DIC: Spelling Dictionary
Closed file format
HAR: Harmony
Open file format
Ill: Sermon Illustration
Closed file format
LST: Verse List
Closed file format
LST: Bookmarks
Closed File Format
LOC: Localization
Closed file format
MAP: Map/Graphic
Closed file format. Specifications were accidentally released. User created resources are highly discouraged
MEM: Scripture Memory
Closed file format
NOT: Study Note
Closed file format
OVL: Markup Overlay
Closed file format
PRL: Prayer Request
Closed file format
STEP files
Proprietary file format. Specifications were publicly released. No known tool sets are currently publicly distributed
THE: Thesaurus
Closed file format
TIP: e Sword TIP file
Text file. Editable with any text editor
TOP: Topical File
Open file format