1: Documentation
1.1: .e Sword.net
1.1.1: Written
- The official e Sword FAQ can be found at http://www.e Sword.net/faq.html.
- To a limited extent, the content on http://www.e Sword.net/features.html can be considered to be written documentation on using e Sword.
1.1.2: Audio
- No official documentation is available in an audio only format.
1.1.3: Video
- The following training videos can be obtained from http://www.e sword.net/training.htm:
- The Basics for getting started with e Sword;
- Downloading additional resources for e Sword;
- Rearranging views on the e Sword desktop;
- Using e Sword to search the Bible for a specific phrase;
- Search for all occurrences of a specific Greek or Hebrew word;
- Using the Study Notes editor for creating your own commentary;
- Using the Topic Notes editor for creating sermons, studies and other writings;
- Using the Scripture Memory tool to memorize the Word of God;
- Using the Prayer Requests tool for a consistent prayer life;
- Create a Bible reading plan to encourage you to read the Bible each day;
- Using the STEP Reader to view STEP format libraries;
- ###
1.1.4: Resources
- This site is the only authorized vendor of gratis e Sword resources. Some non-gratis resources are also available at this site. With one exception, all resources can be obtained by using the built in e Sword Resource Download Manager.
- This site also is only authorized vendor of gratis Pocket e Sword resources. Pocket e Sword is no longer officially supported. All installation is at the user’s risk.
1.2: .eStudySource.Com
1.2.1: Written
- A page of e Sword tips, stories, articles, and reviews can be found at http://www.estudysource.com/platform/site/homepage/view_share.aspx. Alternatively, go to the home page (http://www.eStudySource.com/platform/site/homepage/index.aspx) and click on Tips/Articles. New material is added monthly.
- An email newsletter The eStudySource Review also contains tips and articles about e Sword. This publication is most useful for its announcements about new resources for e Sword. Subscription information can be found at http://www.estudysource.com/platform/site/myaccount/FreeNewsLetter.aspx.
1.2.2: Audio
- No official documentation is available in an audio only format.
1.2.3: Video
- No official documentation is available in video format from eStudySource.
1.2.4: Resources
- This site is the only authorized vendor of commercially distributed resources for e Sword. Most of these resources are also listed in the e Sword Resource Download Manager.
- This site is the only authorized vendor of commercially distributed resources for Pocket e Sword. Pocket e Sword is no longer officially supported. All installation is at the user’s risk.
1.3: .e Sword-Users.Org
- This site aimed at being a one stop shop for all things related to e Sword and Pocket e Sword. This site shut down on 13 May 2011. The following information is provided for historical purposes only.
1.3.1: Written
- This is not a comprehensive list of documentation in PDF format, or in blog posts, that is available at e Sword-users.org.
The Pocket e Sword FAQ: 20061203
This document was issued in December 2006. It has not been updated. When it was originally distributed, it contained some inaccuracies. It is now extremely out of date. It was hosted on e Sword-uses.org for historical purposes only.
e Sword Resource Creation, Updated
This was one of the first documents about e Sword to be publicly released. The information is this document applies to e Sword 7.x only.
BeST HowTo’s
This is a list of documents on how to do various things using BeST:
- Text File;
- Adding a New Localized Bible Book Name to be recognized by BeST;
- Creating a Devotion from an Excel File;
- MSWord and BeST: Making a Commentary, and Commentary Introduction;
- Using Custom Import Formatting;
- Using localized Bible Abbreviations for Tooltips in BeST;
MFC Creator Documentation
This describes creating Map/Graphic resources for e Sword 7.x;
SMM’s Text2DAO Documentation
This describes creating resources using Text2DAO.
1.3.2: Audio
No documentation in audio format is available from e Sword-users.org.
1.3.3: Video
The videos in this site require one to download them, and decompress them to view.
There are also links to third party sites that contain documentation in video format. As a general rule of thumb, those links are to streaming videos.
Video: Basic Bible Study Using Colossians 1:15
This video could be downloaded from http://www.e Sword-users.org/users/node/3050.
This video runs for 14 minutes and 56 seconds.
Video: How to use e Sword: e Sword 101: Parts 1. 2, and 3
This video could be downloaded from http://www.e Sword-users.org/users/node/2893.
These videos run for 10 minutes 24 seconds, 7 minutes 25 seconds, and 5 minutes 44 seconds, respectively.
Video: e Sword 101: On e Sword
This video could be downloaded from http://www.e Sword users.org/users/node/3057.
This video runs for 14 minutes and 56 seconds.
Video: e Sword 101: Searching Hebrew using e Sword
This video could be downloaded from http://www.e Sword-users.org/users/node/3062.
This video runs for 6 minutes and 37 seconds.
- ###
1.4: BibleSupport.Com
- This site went live on 12 June 2011.
- One project it is working on, is creating an independent set of user documentation for e Sword. Some of this documentation will be posted as “stand alone” tutorials, before the complete set of documentation is released.
- Content that was on e-Sword-users.org is being migrated to this site.
1.5: DoctorDaveT.com
- This site went live on 9 May 2010. It focuses on Baptist theology.
1.5.1: Written Documentation
e Sword Scripture ToolTip Tool
http://www.doctordavet.com/t3instructions.html. This web page describes how to use the Tooltip Tool.
Doctor Dave T’s Toolbox
http://www.doctordavet.com/toolbox.html. This web page describes the tools that Doctor Dave uses to create e Sword resources.
Bible Reading Plans
http://www.doctorDaveT.com/biblereadingplans.html. This web page describes how to create, and use Bible Reading Plans.
1.5.2: Audio Documentation
This site does not currently offer audio only documentation.
1.5.3: Video Documentation
This site does not currently offer video documentation.
- ###
1.6: Spanish e Sword Resource Creation Team
This group consists of several people who use Spanish, and have banded together to created Spanish language resources and documentation for e Sword and Pocket e Sword.
For various reasons, this group distributes content on various places on the Internet. Announcements tend to be made on blogs run by their members.
1.6.1: Written
e Sword-español
This is a mailing list. Whilst not explicitly run by a member of the team, it carries announcements about the team. Resource Creation Team members frequently respond to posts, explaining how to do things using e Sword.
1.6.2: Audio
As best as I can determine, no Spanish language audio only documentation has been released.
1.6.3: Video
Several videos at YouTube.com have been created by members of this group. However, they typically are not identified as such.
1.7: Codeweavers.com
- If you purchase CrossOver to use e Sword, head over to eStudySource first, to get a discount coupon.
- CodeWeavers also distributes a version of e Sword that has been specially modified for greater integration with CrossOver.
1.7.1: Written
I could not locate any written documentation for e Sword on this site.
1.7.2: Audio
I could not locate any audio only documentation for either e Sword or CrossOver on this website.
1.7.3: Video
- A single video, showing how to install e Sword on CrossOver is available at http://www.codeweavers.com/via/e Sword. This video can also be found on YouTube.com.
1.7.4: Web Forum
CodeWeavers maintains a webforum where people discuss issues in using Windows Software under CrossOver, that can be found at http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/?app_id=1459;forum=1.
1.8: Other User Created Documentation
1.8.1: Written
A number of documents on using e-Sword and Pocket e-Sword can be found on the Internet. As a general rule of thumb, teach article describes how to do one thing, and only one thing.
1.8.2: Audio
Several talks at BibleTech discuss e Sword, and aspects of using it. Those talks are available in MP3 format at BibleTech.org.
1.8.3: Video YouTube.com
This site allows anybody to upload videos of pretty much anything. There are a number of videos here that show how to use e Sword in various situations. I’ve listed a few representative samples.
| Searches for "e Sword" and "eSword" often produce hits on videos of Krystal Meyers;
Searches for "e Sword" also produce hits on Manga, and various video games;
| Albanian
e Sword Albanian Tutorial.mp4
This is a 7 minute 34 second tutorial, in Albanian, created by Qendra2005. This is the only e Sword documentation in Albanian that I am aware of. English
Basic e Sword Tutorial – Part 1
This video is a basic introduction to e Sword.
Advanced e Sword Tutorial
This tutorial covers the Graphic Viewer, Menu Toolbar, and advanced features of Bible and Commentary Views.
Job 19: The Making of My Rainbow Bible
This describes how to highlight Bible verses. There are several other videos in this series.
e Sword Bible Program – Learning Greek
This is a tutorial on how to learn Greek, from using e Sword.
Install e Sword on Mac using Crossover
This video was produced by CrossOver. Spanish
Paquette e Sword en Español
Introduction to e Sword for use by Catholics.
SuperPack e Sword
This describes installing a package of e Sword resources. Flickr.com
- This site hosts still images, not videos. It is listed because there are a number of screenshots of e Sword are available here.
2: Interactive Support
- This chapter is not a comprehensive list of each URL that provides support for e Sword or Pocket e Sword. Rather, I have restricted it to those that either provide specialized support, or are the most active.
2.1: Mailing Lists
- The most reliable way of obtaining support is to use a mailing list, specifically eSword@yahoogroups.com, espanol@yahoogrupos.com.mx, e-sword-espanol-modulos-pocketpc@yahoogrupos.com.mx, and pocket_esword@yahoogroups.com.
2.1.1: YahooGroups
In June 2008, there were seventy lists on YahooGroups, that provided support of one type or another for e Sword. Whilst there are currently thirty two publicly available lists, the majority of them are either spam havens, or inactive. The following are the most active publicly available lists.
List Name
| Language
| Romanian
| German/English
e Sword_nederlands
| Dutch
e Sword-br
| Portuguese (Brazilian)
e Sword-espanol-modulos-pocketpc
| Spanish
e Sword-espanol
| Spanish
e Sword-german
| German
e Sword
| French
| English
Pocket e Sword
| English
| Spanish
Table 2: Lists at Yahoogroups.com
- These lists can be accessed by http:// (listname) .yahoogroups.com.
2.1.2: GoogleGroups
- e Sword-slovakia is the only list that contains e Sword related content. The most recent message to this list was sent in mid-2010.
2.1.3: Other e-Mail lists
- At least a dozen support lists for e Sword, were hosted on sites other than YahooGroups and GoogleGroups. For various reasons the organizations that provided the hosting have ceased to provide that service. As best as I can determine, none of those support lists migrated elsewhere.
2.2: Web Forums
Web forums that are covered elsewhere in this document may not listed here.
2.2.1: UbuntuForums.org
- The forum for Ubuntu Christian Edition allows discussion about e Sword, provided that the discussion is restricted to issues in using e Sword on a Linux platform.
- The thread, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=324792&highlight=e Sword, is specifically for support of The e Sword Installation Script for Ubuntu Christian Edition.
2.2.2: Puppy Linux
- There are half a dozen puplets of Puppy Linux that are Christian orientated.
- The thread, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=53250&sid=f4ec9ff9aa5dd603fd56490fb35f5b7f, is specifically for discussion about installing e Sword on Puppy Linux.
2.2.3: Cafe.Naver.com/e Sword.cafe
This website is in Korean. Registration appears to be required to do anything other than read the first message in the thread.
2.2.4: Other
- Discussion about e Sword on sites such as Carm.org, forum.catholic.com, and Bible.org can be found. This discussion usually is incidental, relating either to the release of a new version of e Sword, or a specific resource, or group of resources.
2.3: Wikis
As best as I can tell, all of the wikis that were created specifically to provide support for e Sword have been either deleted, or abandoned by their creator.
2.4: IRC & Online Chat
As best as I can determine, there are no IRC rooms for either Pocket e Sword or e Sword support.
3: Social Networks and Related objects
- I do not recommend any social networking sites. The risks outweigh any virtues that social networking sites may have once offered.
This list of social networking sites where e Sword users are known to gather, is very incomplete.
Dating sites are a subset of Social Networking sites. I do not list any Dating sites in this document. At least one dating site includes a question about e Sword usage, as part of its questionnaire in matching people.
Some online games are listed here, because attempts to establish an e Sword user community have been made. In this respect, the online games are akin to small social networking sites.
There are a dozen pages on which one can "like" e Sword. Several pages purport to be the official e Sword FaceBook page.
In mid-2009, an attempt to construct an e Sword user community was made.
There are 48.300 hits for “e-Sword” on my space. There are two or three pages that claim to be the official e Sword site. They all appear to have been abandoned years ago.
There are five e Sword groups listed here. They all appear to be either abandoned, or disused.
Second Life
As best as I can tell, all e Sword sites on Second Life have been either abandoned, or dissolved by their creator.
4: Other Types of Support
4.1: Instant Messaging
- Currently, no individual, organization, or group has announced regularly scheduled times for Instant Messaging support for e Sword.
- No support via IRC is available.
4.2: Microblogs
A microblog is usually defined as a place where one can post messages of under 200 characters, that can be viewed by anybody. Twitter is the best known microblogging platform.
4.2.1: Twitter
Tweets generally are announcements of new blog posts at A Scabbard for e Sword.
4.3: Telephone Support
- Support via Skype is no longer available.
- Support via other SIP vendors has never been available.
- Support via regular telephone has never been available.
- ###
4.4: Text Blogs
- This list contains all of the blogs I am aware of, that focus either exclusively, or mainly upon e Sword.
A Scabbard For e Sword
http://www.Sword_and_Scabbard.blogspot.com. Probably the oldest blog on e Sword. The focus is on documentation for e Sword.
Biblioteca e Sword Católica
http://www.bibliotecae-eswordcatolica.blogspot.com. This blog focuses on new resources in Spanish.
e Sword en Español
http://esword-espanol.blogspot.com. This blog focuses on Spanish language resources.
http://eswordbibliotecahispana.blogspot.com. This is another blog that focuses on Spanish resources.
The Word és e Sword Magyar Modulok
http://baranyilaszlozolt.blogspot.com. This Hungarian blog covers TheWord and e Sword.
4.5: Video Blogs
This video blog at YouTube describes using e Sword.
- ###
5: Third Party Resources
- In light of the demise of e Sword-users.org, this section lists the major third party sites for e Sword resources.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of sites that offer e Sword resources.
5.1: Bible.Org
- http://bible.org/downloads
- NET Bible® Premium Version e Sword ® module. First Edition 2 NET Bible® for e Sword ® module with all 60 000 footnotes displayed in the commentary window and 2 full NET Bible texts (with and without note markers for copying into your personal studies). 13.5 MB Download, Desktop e Sword only $19.95 Updated 20090500;
- Net Bible ® Pocket e Sword Premium Edition with 60,000+ notes 6.4MB $19.95 updated 20080400;
- The Revised English Bible (REB) is a 1989 update of the New English Bible of 1970. As with its predecessor, it is published by the publishing houses of both Oxford University and Cambridge University. 1.9MB $19.99 updated 20100500;
- A free version with the full NET Bible text and a sample of the NET Bible notes available to registered users of bible.org;
5.2: BibleSupport.com
- http://www.BibleSupport.com
- This site has replaced e Sword-users.org.
| Total
| e Sword 8.x
| e Sword 9.x
| Pocket e Sword
| MySword
| Utility
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 2385
| 5
| 2363
| 17
| 4482
| 1926
| 2549
| 17
| 4629
| 1977
| 2609
| 27
| 16
Table 3: Growth of Resources at BibleSupport.com
5.3: Doctor Dave T
- http://www.DoctorDaveT.com/modules.html
- This site focus on Baptist resources, with an emphasis on fundamental, evangelical, christ-honouring resources.
5.4: .e Sword en espanol
- http://www.e Sword.esp.vg
- This site focuses upon resources in Spanish.
5.5: .e Sword For Catholics
- http://www.esnips.com/web/esword-catholic/
- This site focuses on resources for Catholic Christianity.
5.6: E-Sword For Unitarians
- This site provides e-Sword resource from a Unitarian / Universal point of view.
5.7: .e Sword.FR
- http://www.e Sword.fr
- This site provides e Sword resources in French.
5.8: .e Sword Module Database Library
- http://www.davidcox.com.mx/e Swordmodules/index.html
- This site contains resources in Spanish and English. The emphasis is upon fundamental, evangelical, Baptist resources, with a slight emphasis in Landmark Baptist theology.
5.9: Original Languages Library
- http://www.forananswer.org/
- This site contains links to most of the known e Sword resources that are in one of the Biblical languages.
5.10: Premium .e Sword Resources
- http://www.BlessedTruth.net/modules.asp
- This site contains links to all of the commercially distributed e Sword resources.
5.11: Sharpening The Stone
- http://www.sharpeningthestone.net
- This site focuses on Seventh-day Adventist Theology.
5.12: Tools4e Sword
- http://sites.google.com/site/tools4esword/
- This site focuses as much on tools for creating e Sword resources, and in providing e Sword resources.