25 October 2007

e-Sword Polls

This is a list of all of the polls on e-Sword support lists.
The lists are in random order.


Would you like this group to be used an e-Sword based Bible Study?
Created on Oct 24, 2007
Closes 1 November 2007

If this list is used as an e-Sword based Bible Study, then what format should it take?
Created on 24 October 2007
Closes 1 November 2007


Which of satan's doctrines, have entered the Christian world, since the time of Jesus Christ ?
Created on Sep 16, 2007
Ongoing/No closing date.


Debido al tiempo que consume traducir, quiero hacer una pequeña encuesta acerca de la posibilidad de tener e-sword en español.
Creado en 17 de Ago, 2007
Ongoing/No closing date.


Protestant Christian Affiliation.
CF http://www.iridis.com/glivar/List_of_Christian_denominations for a list of denominations, and definitions.
Created on Jan 23, 2005
Ongoing/No closing date.


How soon would like to be able to make your study notes into a commentary module?
Created on 5 October 2007
Poll closes 1 November 2007

Ben's Next Development Efforts. Keep working on BeST 2.0 or update BPeST (Pocket e-Sword import tool)
Created on Oct 23 October 2007
Closes 7 November 2007

How many of us live with the belief in an imminent expectation concerning the return of Christ.
Created on 21 May 2007
Ongoing/No Closing date.


Does the Hebrew text display itself properly?
Created on Feb 15, 2004
Ongoing/No closing date.

Are you prepared for an emergency, with an emergency kit containing the essential items, that you can grab quickly as if you'd have to evacuate at the sound of a firebell?
Created on May 5, 2004
Ongoing/No closing date.

If you had to pick between either "Good" or "Truth" to be the exclusive form of the Universe... which one would you pick?
Created on Mar 24, 2005
Ongoing/No closing date.

20 October 2007

Forgotten Documentation

A document I had forgotten about.

List Guidelines and Announcements.PDF
Available from http://www.esnips.com/web/e-SwordSupportListGuidelines.

This document lists the official guidelines used for moderating roughly a third or the e-Sword support lists. Roughly a quarter of the support lists use it as an unofficial guideline.

17 October 2007

Zoom and e-Sword

Over on the Βλογοσ blog was a mention of"The Long Zoom".

Scaling across the Bible looking at the various patterns.

Perry Stones talks on Prophetic End Times, using the history of Creation being one example.

Distribution of words and phrases across the Bible.

Distribution of ideas across the Bible. Then apply that to Church doctrine.

I can conceptualize how to do part of that using e-Sword.
The rest requires writing new components for e-Sword.

* A way to view time lines;
* A pattern recognition component;
* Something that pivots sub-sections of the results of pattern recognition and time lines;

If words matched ideas, then concordances would suffice for textual pattern recognition. But they don't. :(

Yet I can imagine drilling up and down passages, to determine whether or not John wrote the gospel of John, or the Documentary Hypothesis is merely mythical. This is where the need for original language resources is critical.

Or being able to verify that yes, the prophecies about the Messiah in the OT are repeated again as the prophecies for the return of Christ. And that both prophecies "run backward" in terms of Creation.

Or being able to see how a verse in Psalms is echoed in every other book of the Bible, without rebuilding it using "Bible Codes",or gematria techniques.

15 October 2007

The end of an e-Sword Era

Bible Import Tool v 3.5 was released on 11 June 2006. That was the final version of BIT to be released.

Earlier today Ben announced that future versions of BeST would not directly import material from the Internet.

This is the end of getting NLT (1st Edition), NLT (2nd Edition), NIV, NIV-UK, and several other bibles for e-Sword, gratis. http://www.biblegateway.com/versions/ is a list of most of the Bibles that are affected.

This era has lasted almost five years. (BIT was released either late in 2002, or early in 2003.)



09 October 2007

Providing Answers

I get a lot of email everyday.
I don't always remember what people ask me to create.
I don't always remember what people ask me to write instructions for.

So I'd appreciate it if questions about using were posted as a comment on this blog, and not sent as email.

06 October 2007

Denomination Specific Packages

Wandering around the net, I discovered that Accordance has created a couple of Collections. Nothing interesting except:
* Jewish Collection which is being remastered. It contains the Mishnah, Readigns and Prayers, and the Tanakh Outlines, amongst other texts;
* Catholic Collection 1, which contains "the Introductory level offers Catholic Bibles, basic Bible study tools such as outlines and parallels, devotional works, Order of the Mass and the Catechism."
* Catholic Collection 2, which contains "the Advanced level of the Catholic Collection 2 adds the Vulgate, Canon Law, Vatican and other documents in English and most in Latin."
* Scholar's Collection which "gives you everything you need to explore the original Greek and Hebrew texts."
* Compubiblia which is a collection of Spanish material.

This gives me some more pointers on creating e-Sword collections. And what resources still need to be converted into e-Sword format.

Going down the list:
* Jewish : Mishna, Readings & Prayers, Hebrew Verb, and Tanakh outlines are not available for e-Sword;
* Catholic 1: Imitation of Christ, Practice of the Presence of God, Summa Theoligica, Order of Mass, Catholic Catechism, and NJB are not available for e-Sword;
* Catholic 2: Vatican 1 documents,Vatican 2 documents, and Canon Law documents are not available for e-Sword.
* Scholar's Collection: Qumran manuscripts, Aramaic Targums (tagged), Northwest Semitic Inscriptions with Index, Waltke & O'Conner, Jenni-Westermann Theological Lexicon, Mishna (tagged), Wallace pretty much covers what is not available for e-Sword;
* Compubiblia: Everything in their collection is available for e-Sword.

Looks like there are a couple of major resources to create, for e-Sword to have the same data as Accordance.

04 October 2007

Documentation Update

I uploaded The e-Sword Utility Program FAQ: Where to obtain e-Sword Support: V 0.0.0A.0/20071002 today to http://www.esnips.com/web/eSwordFAQs/

The most significant additions are:
* Korean language videos at youtube.com.
* English language videos at esnips;

I also found a Portuguese (Brazilian) support list.



02 October 2007

Reading list /Resource Wish List

Over on Duncan Forbes blog was a reference to two reading list created by Mark Dever.

For Pastors:

For Lay people:

Wouldn't it be nice if everything on both lists as available for e-Sword?

Blank Bibles

I read about the "make your own blank Bible" craze on the ESV blog earlier today. Split your Bible into individual pages,then put a blank page between each page, and rebind it.

What happens when you fill up the blank pages?

Using the Study Note component in e-Sword, one can add a note of up to 65,535 characters per verse. Then use Text2DAO to convert the Study Note resource to a Commentary Resource.

There are two downsides here:
* You can't take a laptop to church;
* Converting from Pocket e-Sword to e-Sword is a non-trivial operation.

Maybe one day Pocket e-Sword and e-Sword resources will be sharable.