20 December 2008

The Copyright Table

Copyright Table

I proposed this table for two reasons:

  • To facilitate bibliographic citation of e Sword resources;
  • To provide a way to easily determine the copyright status of a resource;

This table is automatically created by BeST 2.0. Other utility programs may also create it.

  • This table is not part of the official specification;
  • Inclusion of this table is optional;

  • All of this data can be included in the Description field of the Details Table;
  • Only user created e Sword resources currently contain this table;
  • BeST is the only tool that currently generates this table;
  • Both Text2DAO and TheWORDpad Editor enable one to read, or edit this table, if it is present in the resource.
  • e Sword Resourcer is the only tool that currently reads/utilizes this table;

By definition, the following record numbers are reserved:

  • Record 0: The tool that created the resource;

  • Record 1: The first edition hard copy;

  • Record 2: The edition that was used as the source text;

  • Record 3: Electronic text copyright information;

  • Record 4: e Sword module copyright information;

  • Record 5 and higher: Changes to the module;

In practice, those specifications are not always strictly adhered to. :(

In the following database, fields are rows, not columns1.

Field Name







Record Number

Internal Tracking number



Jonathon Blake

Display name of the author

Name of the author/editor/transcriber of the material.




e Sword Utility Program FAQ

Display title of the material.

Title of the material.



Seattle WA

Display place of publication.

Place of publication. For material that originally appeared on the Internet, the URL is to be listed.




Display name of publisher.

Name of the publisher



2005 2006

Display year of publication

Year of publication



Edition that the module is of

Edition or Version information.



Creative Commons Deed Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0

Display Copyright Status or License

License or Copyright status of the format.



Send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA requesting a copy of the legal code.

Notes about the text/edition/format

Notes related to the resource. Examples include:

Terms of the license,

Copy of the permission to distribute,

Changes made in the resource;


Table 3: Copyright

1There are too many fields to have them all displayed in one row.

The Meta Data Table

Meta data Table

I proposed this table for the following reasons1:

  • To provide an easily defined and found manner of including Dublin Core meta data in the specific resource;

  • To enable construction of a taxonomy of resources;

  • To provide one word/short phrase descriptions of the resource;

  • As the starting point for a tool that creates resource sets;

  • This table is not part of the official specification;
  • Inclusion of this table is optional;

  • All of this data can be included in the Description field of the Details Table;
  • No currently available e Sword resources contain this table;
  • A tool for users to read this table will be distributed in the future;

  • Both Text2DAO and TheWORDpad Editor enable one to edit/read this table, if it is present in the resource.

In the following database, fields are rows, not columns2.

Field Name







Record Number

Internal Tracking number


meta data


Display What the meta data represents

What the meta data content describes




Display what the content is.

The meta data content



ISO 639-3

The taxonomy that is used

The classification system used for the “content” field.


Table 4: Meta data Table

By definition, record zero is empty, and records one through fifteen correspond to the Dublin Core/ISO 15836 meta data elements:
  • Title
  • Creator
  • Subject
  • Description
  • Publisher
  • Contributor
  • Date
  • Type
  • Format
  • Identifier
  • Source
  • Language
  • Relation
  • Coverage
  • Rights

By definition, record sixteen through twenty-two contain the following meta data elements:
  • Writing System
  • Redistribution
  • Font
  • Associates
  • URL
  • Format Shifting
  • File name

By definition, one record contains one item. If an element has two, or more attributes, create a new record for each attribute of the element. For example, if both Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal numbers are used for the subject field, then there are two records for the element “Subject”. One record has “Library of Congress Catalog Number” in the syntax field. One record has “Dewey Decimal Number” in the syntax field.

Some information included in the Meta Data Table, is duplicated in other parts of the resource. The Description Table and Copyright Table. The theory is that just this table can be printed out, or extracted from the resource, to be used as a way of organizing resources, or comparing two or more resources.

Table Example

The following is an example of what a table would look like.

In the following example, fields are rows, not columns3.




Table Example



Jonathon Blake



E-Sword documentation




A proposed table for e Sword resources



Jonathon Blake



Jonathon Blake




ISO 8601









Blake 20080628a



Modified from Dublin Core Meta Data Elements




English language names of languages






World wide





Writing System


English language names of writing systems
















Format Shifting




File Name


Table 5: Meta Data Table Example

The elements

The following is a synopsis4 of what the terms mean/are to be used for


This is the name of the resource.


This is who created the original document. It can be either an individual, or an organization.


This is a short description of what the resource is about. There is no default taxonomy5. Potential taxonomies6 are:

            • Dewey Decimal Classification7;
            • Library of Congress Classification8;
            • Colon Classification9;
            • Universal Decimal Classification10;
            • Bliss Bibliographic Classification11;
            • Cutter Expansive System12;


This is an abstract of the material.


This is the individual or organization responsible for distribution of the resource.


This is the individuals or organizations who created the original resource, and/or are authorized to make changes to the resource.


This is the date that the original electronic source was created. The default taxonomy is ISO 8601-2004.


The type of resource that this is. The proposed options13 are:

            • Apologetics;
            • Bible;
            • Bible Reading Plan;
            • Bookmarks;
            • Breviary;
            • Chronological Bible;
            • Commentary;
            • Concordance;
            • Cross-references;
            • Daily Office;
            • Devotional;
            • Dictionary;
            • Doctrine;
            • Exegesis;
            • Fiction;
            • General Book;
            • Halacha Renditioning;
            • Handbook;
            • Harmony;
            • Hermeneutics;
            • Homoletics;
            • Horn Books;
            • Hymnal;
            • Lectionary;
            • Lexicon;
            • Map;
            • Markup;
            • Missals;
            • Pericopes;
            • Prayer Requests;
            • Psalter;
            • Sermon Illustrations;
            • Sermon Outline;
            • Study Notes;
            • Time Lines;
            • Topical Bible;
            • Verse lists;
            • Verse Memorization Sets;
            • Virtual tours;


e Sword resource14


This is a unique alphanumerical string that identifies the resource. For resources that e Sword displays tabs for, use the abbreviation of the resource. For components that don't use tabs, use the author name, and the date the original document was publicly released.


This is what the source of the original material is. For Bibles, it should provide the underlying manuscripts. For material scraped from the Internet, the source URL should be provided.


This is the language that the resource uses. The preferred taxonomy is ISO 636-3.


Other e-Sword resources that are to be used with this resource. For example, Sermon Outline resources consist of two parts: A Dictionary, and a Commentary.


Geographic location in which the resource can be distributed. Suggested taxonomies are:

            • ISO 3166-1: Country codes;
            • ISO 3166-2: Country Subdivision codes;
            • ISO 3166-3: Formerly used codes;
            • ISO 3166-88: GOST 7.67 :
            • ISO 6709: Geographical Point Locations;
            • STANAG 1059;


This is the license, or the legal rights that the resource is distributed under.

Writing System

This is the writing system that is used. The preferred taxonomy is that of ISO 15924.


This indicates whether or not one may redistribute the resource.

            • True” indicates it may be redistributed;
            • False” indicates that it may not be redistributed;
            • Other content indicates that it may not be redistributed;


This is the suggested font15 for the resource.


This is a file that is not an e-Sword usable16 resource, but is considered to be part of the resource. For example, images that are linked to commentary, or midi files that are part of a hymnal. The content field specifies the name of the file. The syntax field specifies the type of file:

            • Audio;
            • Video;
            • Image;
            • Web page;
            • PDF File;
            • ODF Document


This is the URL that the resource is distributed from

Format Shifting

This indicates whether or not one format shifting is permissiable

            • True” indicates it may be format shifted;
            • False” indicates that it may not be format shifted;

Other content indicates that it may not be format shifted;

File name

This is the file name that the uncompressed resource is distributed.

This specification allows for the creation of private tags, with the proviso that they do not replace the formally defined tags.

1The cost of meta data is in its application, but the value of meta data is in its use.” unattributed quote at http://tagsonomy.com/index.php/ian-davis-on-why-tagging-is-expensive/

2There are too many fields to have them all displayed in one row.

3There are too many fields to have them all displayed in one row.

4The complete specification can be found at http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/#elements-description.

5It is not unlikely that a Folksonomy will develop.

6I have been unable to find a taxonomy developed specifically for Christian resources.

7http://www.oclc.org/dewey/resources/summaries/deweysummaries.pdf is a synopsis.

8More about this system can be found at http://www.loc.gov/aba/cataloging/classification/.

9Reference books on this system are available from http://www.essessreference.com/servlet/esDispInfo?offset=0&text1=colon+classification&searchtype=Keywords&x=0&y=0

10Information about this system is available at http://www.udcc.org/mrf.htm.

11Information about this system is available at http://www.blissclassification.org.uk/.

12http://digital.library.unt.edu/permalink/meta-dc-1048:1 is the book Charles Cutter published.

13This list is not complete.

14The only acceptable option here is “e Sword Resource”. This describes/defines what medium the material uses.

15Whilst fonts are not a usual descriptor of a resource, it is included due to specific font requirements of some e Sword resources.

16This descriptor was added, because several resources are distributed with accompanying audio, or image files. This tag enables one to determine which additional files belong to the resource.

25 November 2008


In mid-November a new website for e-Sword users went public. http://www.e-sword-users.org. It contains forums for e-Sword users, resources that were made by users, that can be legally redistributed, and blogs by various e-Sword developers, and users.

This blog will be/has migrated there.

The End

I will not be making any more posts to this blog.

I have started a blog at e-Sword-users.org, wher ethis one will be continued.

08 August 2008

The 30 Day Challenge

I recently read a scathing criticism of Bible Study Software developers. The specific issue was that the only thing the developers might know, was what resources were distributed by the competition.

In that light, the blogs by a WordSearch employee, about trying out Logos 3 Scholar's Edition, instead of using his usual WordSearch 8.0 are interesting, especially because of his conclusion.
For what I'm trying to do in my personal and academic studies, I have to wholeheartedly admit that Logos is the best application to suit my needs.

The relevant blog posts are:

The other significant point was about vendor lockin:
Most of the books that I own in WORDsearch are available in Logos; it's just a matter of coming up with the funds to buy the books in Logos so that I can use them in their software.

07 August 2008

NT in the OT

I sort of got it wrong. :(

However, since both OT in the NT.har and NT in the OT.har are available, I'm not sure how significant it is that I attributed the wrong one for being the first "previously unknown" resource to be available on the e-Sword wiki.

Both are attachments available for downloading from

OT in the NT

With the creation of a user's e-Sword wiki, it was only to be expected that new resources would come to light.

Today, the first previously unknown resource for e-Sword was attached there.
OT in the New.har.

Quotes from the Old Testament, that are found in the New Testament.
That this resource is a harmony resource, merely increases both the surprise, and pleasure at seeing it.

The contributor was Clint.

26 July 2008

e-Sword Social Networking Site

A new social networking site for e-Sword has been created.

Initially invitations to it were sent to the current subscribers of e-Sword_off_topic@yahoogroups.com.

It consists of web forums, and a place for individuals to create blogs, upload pictures and videos, and all the other things that are found on Social Networking sites.

e-Sword Wiki

A new wiki for e-Sword is being constructed.


I'll be transcribing The e-Sword Utility Program FAQ to it.

I'll also be adding a description of e-Sword resources that are available to it. Well, I'm hoping that other people will contribute that part.

15 July 2008


Just released: The e-Sword Utility Program FAQ : Where to obtain e-Sword support from : V 0.0.B0.07 / 20080715. PDF Format 162 pages, A4 size pages. This document covers all sources of support for using e-Sword, or creating e-Sword resources that I am aware of.

A couple of days ago I released:

Currently Available e-Sword Resources: esnips.com. This is a draft document, that contains a list of e-Sword resources that have been found on esnips.com. It is not comprehensive. It is not complete. It has not been edited. It is a very rough draft. None the less, it might be useful for somebody wanting to know if a specific resource is available. PDF Format. A4 size pages. 364 pages.

The Potential of e-Sword v 0.0.B0.0120080707.pdf:
This is one in a set of documents on using e-Sword for Spiritual Growth.

2 500 e-Sword Resources

On 8 July 2006, Vaughn sent an email around saying he had 2,500 resources in his e-Sword directory.

The link is to his Spreadsheet on GoogleDocs. In theory, you will not need to log in to view it.

Oops, I didn't realize he included his wish list. I've removed that page.

08 July 2008

e-Sword RSS Feeds

I'm slowly creating sets of RSS feeds of e-Sword resources

The first set I created is e-Sword.OPML, and consists of RSS Feeds from Yahoogroups.

The second set I created is livemarks-and-bookmarks.opml. This consists of RSS Feeds of e-Sword related folders on esnips.com.

On the left hand side of this blog, is e-Sword Bookmarks. Currently, only my bookmarks are listed. I will add more lists of e-Sword related bookmarks there, as I find tjavascript:void(0)hem.

Further down the left hand side of this blog, is my blog roll. It includes all of the e-Sword related blogs I am aware of. In theory, it lists the most recent blog posts first.

10 June 2008

e-Sword Live

Back in December 2007, Rick asked me to beta test e-Sword Live.

I tested it out, using Firefox, Konqueror, and two or three other browsers that are available for Linux. I also tested it on Windows, using Firefox. (Microsoft Internet Explorer was removed from my Windows Box, within an hour of installing Windows.)

The thing I like the most, is the cross-references, underneath the Bible display. The downside is that there are none for deuterocanonical material. :( The 1899 Douay-Rheims and KJVA are the only Bibles that include deuterocanonical material. None of the commentaries cover deuterocanonical material.

e-Sword Live was publicly announced 23 May 2008.

For those who have difficulty in submitting questions/bug reports/requests for enhancement to http://live.e-sword.net/about/contact.html the following _might_ help:

Do not use any of the following:
* Parenthesis. That is "(" and ")";
* Apostrophe " ' ";
* Quotation marks ' " ';
* Colons ":";
* Semi-colons ";" ;

e-Sword Poll Results

2008 Poll results
Between 23 February 2008 and 1 April 2008, nineteen polls about operating system usage were run on the eSword support list. Due to the low numbers1, the results of these polls are inconclusive.
001/Operating Systems
001: What Operating System do you use e-Sword on? Please answer this poll and the operating specific poll as well. This poll allows for more than one vote.

Eighty eight votes were cast. The results were2:
OS/2 Warp 0%
Unix 0%
Solaris / Open Solaris 0%
BeOS 0%
ReACT 0%
Windows 84%
Macintosh 4%
Linux 10%
BSD 0%
Other 1%
002: Which of the following versions of Windows do you run e-Sword on? Please answer this poll and, if applicable, the Version Specific poll as well.

There were 43 votes. The results were3:
Windows NT 3.1 0%
Windows NT 3.5 0%
Windows NT 3.51 0%
Windows NT 3.51 0%
Windows NT 4.0 0%
Windows 95 0%
Windows 98 0%
Windows 98 2nd Ed 4%
Windows ME 2%
Windows 2000 6%
Windows XP 74%
Windows 2003 0%
Windows Vista 11%
Windows 2008 0%
003/Windows 95
003: Which of the following versions of Windows 95 do you use e-Sword on?

There was 1 vote. The results were4:
Windows 95-B OEM Service Release 2 100%
Windows 95-B (USB) OEM Service Release 2.1 0%
Windows 95-C OEM Service Release 2.5 0%
Windows 95 0%
Windows 95 Retail 0%
Windows 95 Retail SP 1 0%
Windows 95-A OEM Service Release 1 0%
004/Windows NT 4.0
004: Which of the following versions of Windows NT 4.0 do you use e-Sword on?

There was no votes. The results were5:
Windows NT 4.0 Server 0%
Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Edition 0%
Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server 0%
Windows NT 4.0 Work Station 0%
005/Windows NT 3.x
005: Which of the following versions of Windows NT 3.x do you use e-Sword on?

There was no votes. The results were6:
Windows NT 3.1 0%
Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server 0%
Windows NT 3.5 Server 0%
Windows NT 3.5 Workstation 0%
Windows NT 3.51 Server 0%
Windows NT 3.51 WorkStation 0%
006.Windows XP
OO6: Which of the following versions of Windows XP do you use e-Sword on? This poll allows for one vote only.

There were 58 votes. The results were7:
Windows XP Home Edition (32 bit) 37%
Windows XP Professional Edition (32 bit) 51%
Windows XP 64 bit Home Edition 0%
Windows XP 64 bit Professional Edition 1%
Windows XP Media Center Edition 3%
Windows XP Tablet Edition 5%
Windows XP Embedded Edition 0%
Windows XP Starter Edition 0%
Windows XP Edition N 0%
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy Systems 0%
007/Windows 2003
007: Which of the following versions of Windows 2003 do you use e-Sword on?

There were 2 votes. The results were8:
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition 50%
WS 2003 Web Edition 0%
WS 2003 Small Business Server 0%
WS 2003 Datacenter Edition 0%
WS 2003 Enterprise Edition 50%
WS 2003 Computer Cluster Edition Edition 0%
WS 2003 Storage Edition 0%
WS 2003 Home Edition 0%
WS 2003 Standard Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Web Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Small Business Server 64 BitVersion 0%
WS 2003 Datacenter Edition 64 BitVersion 0%
WS 2003 Enterprise Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Computer Cluster Edition Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Storage Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Home Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
008/Windows 2000
008: Which of the following versions of Windows 2000 do you use e-Sword on?

There were 13 votes. The results were9:
Windows 2000 Server 7%
Windows 2000 Advanced Server 0%
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server 0%
Windows 2000 Professional 92%
009/64 Bit Windows
009: Which of the following versions of 64 Bit Windows do you run e-Sword on? Vote for one choice only.

There were 1 vote. The results were10:
WS 2003 Datacenter Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Enterprise Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Computer Cluster Edition Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Storage Edition 64Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Home Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Standard Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition x64 0%
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition x64 0%
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Edition x64 0%
Windows Web Server 2008 Edition x64 0%
Windows Storage Server 2008 Edition x64 0%
Windows Small Business Server 2008 Edition x64 0%
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 Edition x64 0%
Windows Server 2008 Itanium Edition 0%
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition x64 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition x64 0%
Windows Vista Business Edition x64 0%
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition x64 0%
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x64 0%
Windows XP 64 Bit Home Edition 0%
Windows XP 64 Bit Professional Edition 1 100%
Windows XP 64 Bit Itanium: Version 2002 0%
Windows XP 64 Bit Itanium2: Version 2003 0%
WS 2003 Web Edition 64 Bit Version 0%
WS 2003 Small Business Server 64 Bit Version 0%
010/WS 2008
010: Which of the following versions of Windows Server 2008 do you use e-Sword on?

There were 0 votes. The results were11:
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition x86 0%
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition x86 0%
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Edition x86 0%
Windows HPC Server 2008 0%
Windows Web Server 2008 Edition x86 0%
Windows Storage Server 2008 Edition x86 0%
Windows Small Business Server 2008 Edition x64 0%
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 Edition x64 0%
Windows Server 2008 Itanium Edition 0%
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition x64 0%
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition x64 0%
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition x64 0%
Windows Web Server 2008 Edition x64 0%
Windows Storage Server 2008 Edition x64 0%
011/32 Bit Windows Vista
011: Which of the following versions of 32 Bit Windows Vista do you use e-Sword on? The "N" editions are only distributed in Europe. The "K" and "KN"editions are only distributed in South Korea. You may vote once in this poll.

There were 11 votes. The results were12:
Windows Vista Starter Edition x86 0%
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition x86 18%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition x86 54%
Windows Vista Business Edition x86 0%
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition x86 0%
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x86 18%
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition N x86 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition N x86 9%
Windows Vista Business Edition N x86 0%
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition K x86 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition K x86 0%
Windows Vista Business Edition K x86 0%
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition KN x86 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition KN x86 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition KN x86 0%
Windows Vista Ultimate Limited Edition x86 0%
Windows 0%
012/64 Bit Windows Vista
012: Which of the following versions of 64 Bit Windows Vista do you use e-Sword on?

There were 2 votes. The results were13:
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition KN x64 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition KN x64 0%
Windows Vista Business Edition KN x64 0%
Windows Vista Ultimate Limited Edition x64 0%
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition x64 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition x64 50%
Windows Vista Business Edition x64 0%
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition x64 0%
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x64 50%
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition N x64 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition N x64 0%
Windows Vista Business Edition N x64 0%
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition K x64 0%
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition K x64 0%
Windows Vista Business Edition K x64 0%
013/ OS/2 Warp
013: Which of the following versions of OS/2 Warp do you use?

There were 0 votes. The results were14:
OS/2 Warp 2.0 0%
OS/2 Warp 2.1 0%
OS/2 Warp 3.0 0%
OS/2 Warp 4.0 0%
OS/2 Warp 4.5 0%
OS/2 Warp 5.0 0%
eComStation 1.0 0%
eComStation 1.1 0%
eComStation 1.2 0%
eComStation 1.2R 0$
014: Which version of the Macintosh Operating System do you use e-Sword on? Vote for one option only.

There were 4 votes. The results were15:
Macintosh OS X 10.4 Tiger 25%
Macintosh OS X 10.3 Panther 0%
Macintosh OS X 10.2 Jaguar 0%
Macintosh OS X 10.5 Leopard 75%
Macintosh OS X 10.1 Puma 0%
Macintosh OS X 10.0 Cheetah 0%
Macintosh OS X 10.4.1 Developer Edition (AKA Macintosh for Intel) 0%
Macintosh OS X Server Standard 10.5 Leopard 0%
Macintosh OS X Server Workgroup 10.5 Leopard 0%
Macintosh OS X Server Advanced 10.5 Leopard 0%
Macintosh OS X Server 10.4 Tiger 0%
Macintosh OS X 1 Server 0.3 Panther 0%
Macintosh OS X Server 10.2 Jaguar 0%
Macintosh OS X Server 10.1 Puma 0%
Macintosh OS X Server 10.0 Cheetah 0%
Rhapsody DR-1 (Mac 5.0) 0%
Rhapsody DR 2 (Mac 5.1) 0%
Macintosh OS X Server 1.0 (Mac 5.3) 0%
Macintosh OS X Server 1.2 (Mac 5.6) 0 %
Macintosh OS 9 0%
Macintosh OS 8 0%
Macintosh OS 7.6 0%
System 7.5 0%
System 7 0%
Other Macintosh Version 0%
015/Linux Distros
015: Which distro based version of Linux do you run e-Sword on. One vote only.

There were 10 votes. The results were16:
Red Hat Enterprise Edition Based 10%
Fedora Based 0%
Slackware Based 0%
Slax Based 0%
Mandrivia Based 10%
Knoppix Based 0%
Gentoo Based 0%
Puppy Linux Based 0%
Other RPM based 0%
SuSe Based 0%
Debian Based 10%
Ubuntu Based 70%

016/Christian Orientated Linux Distros
016: Which Christian Orientated Linux distribution do you run e-Sword on? If you select "Other",please post a message to the list stating what it is. AFAIK, I have listed all of the Linux distributions that claim a Christian orientation.

There were 0 votes. The results were17:
Ichthux 0%
Ubuntu Christian Edition 0%
Christux 0%
Church Puppy 0%
Other 0%
017/Ubuntu Based Distros
017: Which Ubuntu derived Linux distribution do you use e-Sword with.

There were 7 votes. The results were18:
Ubuntu 85%
Kubuntu 0%
Edubuntu 0%
XuBuntu 0%
Linux Mint 14%
FreeSpire 0%
gNewSense 0%
Ubuntu Studio 0%
GoBuntu 0%
Fluxbuntu 0%
gOS 0%
LinuxMCE 0%
MythBuntu 0%
nUbuntu 0%
UbuntuLite 0%
NexentaOS 0%
GooBuntu 0%
GuadaLinux 0%
Imp iLinux 0%
MoLinux 0%
Baltix 0%
Linspire 0%
UbuntuME 0%
FrogLinux 0%
Other Ubuntu Derivative 0%
018/Top 10 Linux Distros
018: This is the top 10 list of Linux distros according to DistroWatch. Which, if any, do you run e-Sword one?

There were 8 votes. The results were19:
Ubuntu 7.10 62%
OpenSuse 0%
Fedora 8.0 0%
Debian 4.0 12%
Mandrivia 2008.0 12%
PCLinuxOS 2007 12%
SimplyMEPIS 7.0 0%
Knoppix 5.1.1 0%
Slackware Linux 12.0 0%
Gentoo Linux 2007. 0%
019: Which BSD distribution and version do you use e-sword with? Vote for one choice only. Macintosh does not count as a BSD operating system for the purposes of this poll.

There was 1 votes. The results were20:
Debian GNU/kFree BSD 0%
DebianGNU/NET BSD 0%
Ging 0%
Desktop BSD 0%
Closed BSD 0%
Other BSD Distribution 0%
Gentoo/FreeBSD 100%
DragonFly BSD 0%
NetBSD 0%
NetBSD 0%
OpenBSD 0%
FireFly BSD 0%
OliveBSD 0%
MirOS BSD 0%
Gentoo/OpenBSD 0%
Anonym.OS 0%
Fuguita 0%
BSD 4.4 0%
Quetzal 0%
Midnight BSD 0%
BlackBSD 0%
Force120 Networks 0%
Gentoo/NET BSD 0%
Jibbed 0%

02 March 2008

e-Sword Polls

Back on 24 February, 19 polls regarding operating systems that people run e-Sword on were created at the eSword list on yahoogroups. These were the results on 25 Fevbraury, prior to me resetting all totals to zero.

001: What Operating System do you use e-Sword on? Please answer this
poll and the operating specific poll as well

* Windows: 29;
* Macintosh: 2;
* Linux:2;
* Rest: 0 votes;

002: Which of the following versions of Windows do you use e-Sword on?
Please answer this poll and, if applicable, the Version Specific poll
as well.

* Windows 2000: 3 votes;
* Windows XP: 19 votes;
* Windows VIsta: 11 votes;
* Rest: 0 votes;

003: Which of the following versions of Windows 95 do you use e-Sword on?

* No votes;

004: Which of the following versions of Windows NT 4.0 do you use e-Sword on?

* No votes;

005: Which of the following versions of Windows NT 3.x do you use e-Sword on?

* No votes;

OO6: Which of the following versions of Windows XP do you use e-Sword on?

* Windows XP Home Edition: 16 votes
* Windows XP Professional Edition: 22 votes
* Windows XP Media Center Edition: 8 votes
* Windows XP Tablet Edition: 1 votes
* Rest: 0 votes;

007: Which of the following versions of Windows 2003 do you use e-Sword on?

* No votes;

008: Which of the following versions of Windows 2000 do you use e-Sword on?

* Windows 2000 Professional 3 votes;
* Rest: 0 votes;

009: Which of the following versions of 64 Bit Windows do you use e-Sword on?

* Windows Vista Home Premium Edition x64 2 votes;
* Rest: 0 votes;

010: Which of the following versions of Windows Server 2008 do you use
e-Sword on?

* No votes;

011: Which of the following versions of 32 Bit Windows Vista do you
use e-Sword on?

* Windows Vista Home Basic Edition x86: 2 votes;
* Windows Vista Home Premium Edition x86: 7 votes;
* Windows Vista Business Edition x86: 2 votes;
* Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x86: 3 votes;
* Rest: 0 votes;

012: Which of the following versions of 64 Bit Windows Vista do you
use e-Sword on?

* No votes;

013: Which of the following versions of OS/2 Warp do you use?

* No votes;

014: Which version of the Macintosh Operating System do you use e-Sword on?

* Macintosh OS X 10.4 Tiger 1 vote
* Macintosh OS X 10.2 Jaguar 1 vote
* Other Macintosh Version 1 vote
* Rest: 0 votes;

015: What Version of Linux do you use

* Mandrivia Based: 1 vote;
* Gentoo Based: 1 vote;
* Debian Based: 1 vote;
* Ubuntu Based: 1 vote;
* Rest: 0 votes;

016: Which Christian Orientated Linux distribution do you use?

* Other distro: 1 vote;
* Rest: 0 votes;

017: Which Ubuntu derived Linux distribution do you use e-Sword with.

* No votes;

018: This is the top 10 list of Linux distros according to
DistroWatch. Which, if any, do you run e-Sword one?

* Ubuntu 7.10 1 vote;
* SimplyMEPIS 7.0 1 vote;
* Rest: 0 votes;

019: Which BSD distribution and version do you use e-sword with?

DebianGNU/NET BSD: 1 vote;
Other BSD Distribution: 1 vote;
* Rest: 0 votes;

BibleTech 2008

I've pondered upon what to write about BibleTech 2008.

Most of the sessions are now available for downloading in mp3 format.

The first talk I attended was Tauber's talk "MorphGNT and the building of Linguistic Databases for New Testament Greek". It was gratifying to learn that he used basic Unix command line tools for his analysis, when he started the project. One other point is that he maintains a Greek morphological analysis dictionary based upon Strong's, which is in the public domain. So now I can point people to a text taht can be freely translated, if they want Strong's in a specific language.

Andy Wu's talk "Treebacks of Biblical Texts" was about something I'd wondered about creating for e-Sword. Specifically, if a tool that autogenerated Tree Diagrams would be useful after it created one for every verse. The answer here is "yes". The reason: Use the sentence diagrams to determine how closely a translation matches the source text. One thing I'm curious about, is how they created their rules for Chinese grammar.

Rick Brannan's "Locating New Testament Cross-References: Some Strategies" has a more practical effect. One resource that I think e-Sword lacks, is a comprehensive gratis set of cross-references. This talk gave me a set of starting points to create such a resource. I don't know if I'll be able to generate the 500 000 cross-references that one hard copy Bible claims to have.

There were several other very good talks. Those three are the ones that set me wondering about how to create their specific information into resources for e-Sword.

18 January 2008

Documentation Time line

I backed up my windows box to a portable drive. This was very easy, and appeared to result in no verification errors.

Then I reinstalled Windows. Or rather tried to. For some reason, Windows refuses to install on the system, dying because it can not find a file in my floppy drive.

So until I get windows up and running, both resource creation, and documentation writing is on hold. :(

My priority will be getting The e-Sword Module Database current, and available as an SQLite database by 24 January.

I also will work on The Pocket e-Sword FAQ. The last version was released in 2005. I'll browse both the Pocket e-Sword and eSword lists, to see what changes need to be made. The last version was released in 2005, so I suspect that a total rewrite is required.

As far as The e-Sword Utility Program FAQ goes, Where to obtain support from, will continue to be updated monthly. The priority for the rest of the sections is as follows:

* Creating Modules using e-Sword;
* What is e-Sword;
* What are the required components;
* What are the e-Sword Utility programs;
* Best Practices;
* A11Y issues;
* You want what as a module;
* The Bible Component;
* The Bible Reading Plan Component;
* The Bookmark Component;
* The Commentary Component;
* The Devotional Component;
* The Dictionary Component;
* The Harmony Component;
* The MAP/Graphic Component;
* The Markup Overlay Component;
* The Memory Verse Component;
* The Prayer Request Component;
* The Sermon Illustration Component;
* The Study Note Component;
* The Topical File Component;
* The Verse List Component;
* Making Complex modules;
* e-Sword tips;
* How to use the Utility programs;
* How to use the Utility programs: STEP;
* How to use the Utility Programs: JB;
* Known Errors in e-Sword resources;
* Bible Translations: Names and Abbreviations;
* Abbreviations;
* Abbreviations: master List;
* Canonical and Deuterocanonical Material;
* Internal Verse Numbering;
* Versification Schemes;
* Direct mapping;
* Encoding Schemes;
* Other File Formats;
* e-Sword in Other Languages;
* BibleStudy2006;
* Bible Language Study Tools;
* Questions about the FAQ;
* Intellectual Property Rights;

This does not list every section in the master document. The priority of a section may change due to a change in circumstances.

Translation of the FAQ has been put on indefinite hold.

e-Sword 7.9.3

e-Sword 7.9.3 was released on 17 January 2008.

The Sermon Illustration component is the major new feature.

The most significant change is that user created resources are now stored in a user-folder. (c:\Users and Settings\user-name\My Documents\e-Sword).

When installing, or upgrading e-Sword, all existing topical files will be placed in the user directory, unless they are either password protected, or write protected. Only keep topical files that are being actively edited in the user folder.

Strong's numbering recognition has been changed, so that one does not have to use a modified LXX+ with modified Strong's to see Greek Strong Numbers. In theory, a Hebrew NT with Hebrew Strong's numbers will also display the correct Strong's number information. (I can't find my Hebrew NT+ resource, so I could not verify that that feature works as expected.)

One caveat: Upgrading e-Sword may result in your existing Strong's module being overwritten. This may not be something you want to see happen.

I ran an extended commentary search, with no commentaries checked. In theory, no results should have been returned. In practice, I have intermittently received a result. I can not duplicate the conditions under which that happens. :( This marks the third or fourth time I have found something that should not happen, happening on an unpredictable, intermittent basis. It probably is a quirk in how I configure Windows. (For starters, Internet Explorer is not installed.)

I don't have multiple monitors, so I wasn't able to test that feature out. (More to the point, my preference is running windows without a monitor.)